5 Daily Affirmations for September


A while back I started reading more about the power of affirmations. I tried to incorporate them into my life, but it felt more pointless than anything. How could writing down something like "I am focused and productive" help me tackle my to-do list for the day? It wasn't until I started journaling regularly that I began to take affirmations seriously.

What is an Affirmation?

An affirmation is a statement used to inspire and challenge a negative or detrimental thought. Repeating positive affirmations help challenge your subconscious patterns and overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you have of yourself or the world around you. Sounds great, right? They can be used to build confidence, achieve your goals, find greater joy in everyday things, and create the life you want to live. They should be specific to your situation and define you as you want to be.

The guided journal I purchased—The Five Minute Journal—has a space to write down two affirmations each morning. At first, my affirmations didn't feel genuine. If I was going to do it I wanted to do it right. So at the beginning of the month, I sat down and chose five affirmations that were specific to my present beliefs and feelings. Each statement combats an unhelpful or self-sabotaging thought I frequently have.

My five Affirmations For September:

1. I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do today.

2. I create opportunity and happiness wherever I go.

3. I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and choices.

4. I find beauty in every moment.

5. I offer compassion to others, even when I do not agree.

Writing these affirmations and reciting them each morning has already started to shift the beliefs I have about myself and my abilities. If I begin to have a negative thought throughout the day, I remember my affirmations and intentionally change the way I'm thinking. Since I've adopted this routine, I've noticed a positive change in mindset and productivity.

It's important to remember that waking up tomorrow and reciting or journaling an affirmation won't immediately transform your life. Shifting your subconscious thoughts takes time and practice—but don't give up on it. Your thoughts are powerful and attract the things you focus on. Once you start noticing a change, you'll find that the extra time and effort is worth it!

Did any of these affirmations resonate with you? Let me know in the comments or send me a message on Instagram!

Five Daily Affirmations